Subscribe to the company and synchronize the ledgers

To process your data in tally, company needs to be subscribed in Suvit and its ledgers should be synced for selecting it to transactions.

Subscribe to the company and synchronize the ledgers follow the steps:

Suvit helps you to process your various data like bank statement, sales and purchase automatically in tally. To begin your work in Suvit, you have to subscribe the company in which you want to process data from Suvit to Tally.

  • Open the company you want to work in Tally and keep it selected as shown in below image: 1image 18.png

  • Now, go to "Add Companies" in your Suvit Desktop Application, the company will be visible with a "Subscribe" tab as shown in below image; click on it to subscribe the company for further working.


  • Once the company is subscribed, it will be seen as connected in "My Companies" as shown in below image and automatically sync will get started, wait for some seconds as sync gets complete.

3App sync.png

  • Upon successfully syncing of ledgers, you will receive a message as shown in below image indicating that your tally ledgers are now synced with Suvit to facilitate ledger selection while processing the data.


Now, you can begin with uploading your documents in desired modules and process the data in tally.