Learn how to enable and use the Bank Allocation feature in Suvit Banking. This guide covers enabling the feature, managing transactions, and splitting amounts efficiently.
(a) Transaction Type: By default "Cheque" is selected. you can choose option like eFund Transfer or Other.
(b) Amount: Transaction amount.
(c) Cross Using: Account payee name.
(d) Inst Date : Instrument Date.
(e) Favouring Name: This is where the name of the payee or beneficiary is entered..
(f) Remarks: A field for adding notes or comments about the transaction..
(g) Email: A field for entering an email address.
By default the Transaction Type would go to Cheque
All fields are not compulsory to fill.
1. Change amount
2. Click on add
Note: You can change other settings also
3. Click on Submit
1. Change amount
2. Click on add
Note: You can change other settings also
3. Click on Submit