Common GST amount with different Tax ledgers

In case, your data is such, having common taxable amount while the GST amount will be posted in respective GST rate wise ledgers, we got you cover in this article, read on.

Common GST amount with different Tax ledgers

Here we will guide you to map Common GST amount with different tax ledger for example total taxable amount is 1000 and Sgst 2.5% is 12.5 in amount, Cgst 2.5% is 12.5 in amount and Sgst 9% is 45 in amount, Cgst 9% is 45 in amount.

*Note: Click on image to Zoom.

Sample entry: 1TALLY ENTRY.jpg

Below is the sample data you might have similar Sales/Purchase data in your excel sheet. 2common taxable multi gst.jpg

Step 1: While preparing excel sheet you need to add on row for Sales account/purchase account ledger name as per given below. 3sales ledger.jpg

Step 2: Map that Sales account/purchase account ledger name as Particulars as per below image. 4mapping2.png

Step 3: Then select "NO" for GST Auto Calculation: 5gst mapping3.png

Step 4: Select Duties and Tax ledgers as per given image. 6mapping gst.png

Step 5: Then select the amount as per the respective selected Duties and Tax ledgers which are given in your Excel Sheet as per the below image. 7mapping gst 1.png

Step 6-a: Now go to "Ledger Mapping" by pressing "Next" from the bottom right and below screen will appear where the remaining column headers of your excel sheet will display, simply select the respective ledgers for the headers in which its amount will reflect in your tally. 8mapping gst 2.png

After successfully assigning correct ledgers, your screen will look like as below: 9mapping gst 3.png

Step 9-a: Now click on "Save & Proceed". Step 9-b: After transferring the data to tally successfully your entry will look like in tally as per below image.

*Note: Click on image to Zoom.

10sample entry.jpg