Using General Filters in Sales & Purchases

There are various filters available for you at the transaction screen to use data accordingly. You can use the filters to hide tally sent data, blank records, saved records, failed records and date range.

Follow the steps:

  • This is General Filter screen where you can perform different filter like date, bulk update and etc filters.

  • As per given below image you can use different filters:-

2filter 3.jpg

Hide Tally Synced Records:

  • You can use this filter to hide the data which is already sent to the tally.

Saved Records:

  • This filter will help you to identify only saved records.

Blank Records:

  • You can check blank records from here. the entries which is still pending to check.

Failed Records:

  • The entries which are failed to be transferred to Tally can be checked from here by using this filter.

Date Filter:

  • The date filter will allow you to filter any specific date range.

Warning Triangle:

  • This triangle will appear when any data is not selected properly or the required data is empty. If you click on the triangle it will give you the list of unselected data.