Sync/View the ledgers/items of Subscribed company

As you subscribe a tally company in Suvit, to make effective use we must sync master so as to get all the masters reflect in Suvit as well. In this article we will guide the steps for the same.

Sync/View the ledgers/items of Subscribed company

Whenever you start your work in Suvit, you have to make sure that:

  • The company is opened and selected in your Tally;
  • No multiple Tally windows should be opened. Ensure only one Tally window is opened;
  • The Suvit desktop application must be opened and logged in with the same credentials as on the Suvit web page where you will upload your documents;
  • The company opened in Tally must be shown as connected in the Suvit desktop application.

Sync from web login or Suvit tally connector application:

Step 1

  • Go to the company menu on the right side as shown in the below image: 1company sync.png

Step 2

  • To sync ledgers from web login, go to "My Companies" and look for the desired company's last row under "Action" sync ledger is available; click on it and wait for a successful ledger synchronization for some seconds.

2company sync1.png

Step 3

  • Alternatively, you can also view the ledgers as well as items created in your Tally from the "Master" section, as seen in the below image.


Check for the company and bank ledger name format:

Make sure there is no extra space in the name of the company and ledgers. Whenever you create any ledger, if you paste the title copied from elsewhere, it can carry extra space at the end, which must be avoided.

To know which ledger/item has extra space in its name, you can check it by finding the special characters at the end of its name for eg ARVIND KAUR&#13

Refer below image to understand it better:


Remove the space from that ledger name in Tally and sync the ledgers to get the updated ledger name with no errors or extra spaces.

With the successful ledger sync and the above points being checked & ensured, you can now upload the bank statement.