Voucher number in Sales/Purchase

Now you can add voucher number in your data sheet and map accordingly to use it for processing your sales/purchase data.

Voucher number in Sales/Purchase

The reference number and voucher number are used as per the suitability of practice. Majorly, it depends on your voucher numbering method set in your respective voucher type.

If in case you require as per mentioned in your excel, simply mention both the columns; Reference no & Voucher no in the excel sheet and upload.

In mapping screen, there is a "Configuration" tab, click on it to enable the voucher no. option and save it. Refer below image:

1Voucher no.png

As you save it, it will be available in the drop down for mapping, simply go to unmapped section where you want to map the voucher number and select it, refer below image:

2Voucher no2.png

As you will select it, it will appear on the mapped side as shown in below image:

3Voucher no3.png

Now you can proceed as usual and continue the work.