Create your Suvit account

Learn how to create your Suvit account. Every Suvit user requires to have a username & password to process the data in Tally from Suvit.

Follow the below steps to create your account in Suvit:

  1. Visit Suvit and click on "Sign Up" or directly visit


2 .You need to enter your mobile number you wish to register with us and click on "Get OTP". Alternatively, you can use the "Sign Up with Google" option.


The next step will be to provide your personal details like name and your profession:


Next you need to provide the details of number of staff in your office:

Next up is providing your email id and password:


Later you can always edit the personal details from "My Profile". The E-mail ID used at this stage, will not be editable or altered in future. So, kindly provide a valid E-mail address.

Passwords are case-sensitive and must be between 8-15 characters. Suvit allows users to change passwords as and when required. Apparently, users who think their password has been compromised should change it immediately.

Additionally, if a user: a) attempts to log in with an incorrect password four consecutive times, the user is locked out of Suvit, and their account will be temporarily deactivated. b) attempts to send/resend OTP four consecutive times, the user will be blocked from resetting the password for the next 24 hours.

In the above situations, you must contact Suvit Support team at +919558261955 for assistance. However, A deactivated user ID will not affect your Suvit account or the data in your Suvit account.

3 . After the successful registration, you can sign in to Suvit with the registered E-mail ID/Mobile number and Password.


Once you have registered in Suvit, you must verify and update your profile. Click here to learn more about it.