Verify your E-mail ID & Mobile Number in Suvit

You can verify your registered E-mail ID & Mobile Number, which will help you in successful profile verification.

Verify your E-mail ID & Mobile Number in Suvit

You can verify your registered E-mail ID & Mobile Number, which will help you in successful profile verification.

1. Sign In

  • Login to your Suvit. Go to My Profile as shown in the image below V-01.png

2. Edit Profile

  • Neccessary changes can be done from here


3. Verify account

  • You have to verify your details here if want to change your e-mail id and contactable number to change you process here the same. Then click on verify button you will receive OTP. kindly enter the OTP to verify V-03.png
**Note:** If you did not receive the OTP for E-mail, please look for it in the spam folder.

All Suvit users have a profile that includes their name, mobile number, GSTIN, address (optional) and email address. Users should update this information primarily after registration in Suvit by visiting the "My Profile" section under the head "Settings".

After you are done with email ID & mobile number verification, you will need to go ahead with Tally connector desktop application installation.

- You May Find This Useful:

  1. Install Suvit desktop (Tally connector) application
  2. Import the bank statement