Horizontal Sheet Multiple GST with Common tally tax ledger

Here we will guide you to map common tally tax ledgers in case where your data is of multiple GST rate applicability.

Horizontal Sheet Multiple GST with Common tally tax ledger

If you have the sheet containing data where multiple GST % is applicable in horizontal format like shown in below Image:

 Note* Click on image to zoom

1Image S8.png

Now, if you want to consider and post-tax amounts in multiple respective tally tax ledgers as per rates applicable you can simply map it from "tax ledger mapping" section and use "Other Ledger Mapping" ​ In Particulars column, add any 1 of the ledgers of given rates, for eg: in below sheet image, we have total 4 GST rates applicable i.e. Sales Exempt, Sales @ 5%, 12%, 18% & 28%, so in particulars we have added 5% sales account i.e. Sales @ 5%

2Image S10_Pending.png

In GST Mapping, the "GST ledger" will allow you to select ledgers which are there in your tally. Refer image below where common "Sgst", "Cgst" & "Igst" are selected and mapped.

3Common GST.png

The rest, Sales 12, Sales 18, Sales 28 & Sales Exempt will be added in "Ledger Mapping", refer below image for more:

In "Your Sheet header", the headings of data in your sheet is shown, in "Select Your Ledger" you need to select the respective tax ledgers available in your tally.
