How to create a user account in Suvit?

You can manage your work efficiently by creating user accounts and providing them with specific access

User Account Creation Guide

Step 1: Sign In to Suvit with the Primary Account

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  • Sign into Suvit using your Primary Account (Main Account).

Step 2: Navigate to User Management


  • Click on User from the left menu.

Step 3: Add a New User


  • Go to User ManagementUser ListAdd User.

Step 4: Fill in User Details

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  • Enter the following information:
  1. First Name & Last Name: Enter the user's name.
  2. Email / Mobile: Ensure the email ID and mobile number are unique and not the same as the Primary Account.
  3. Password: You can either use a system-generated password or create your own. Passwords can contain letters, numbers, and symbols.

Step 5: Assign Role


  • Assign the role you have created for the user. (If you haven't created any role yet Click Here to learn how to create a new role).

Step 6: Assign Company


  • Assign the companies you want to link with the user. If you wish to assign all companies, you can leave this field blank.

Step 7: Add the User

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  • After filling in all the details, click "Add User".

Step 8: Share User Credentials


  • A confirmation pop-up will appear with the message "User Added Successfully".
  • Click on Copy Info and share the username and password with your client. Now your user is ready to use Suvit with their credentials.

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