How to create personalized roles in Suvit?

You can create multiple roles with the help of role management and manage the modules your Users can work in.

  • Sign in to Suvit with the Primary account (Main Account)
  • Click on Settings from the left menu and then click on Role Management in the sub-menu.


  • On the Role Management page, click on Create New Role


  • On Create Roles page

-We are providing two default types i.e. Users and Clients. If you are creating a role for your client, then select Client and if you are creating a role for your user, then click on User. 3role2.png

-Role name: You can name the Role according to your requirement. -Next step is to select the menu permissions that you wish to provide to that particular role. -And click on create role

A. If you give full access using this option, user who gets this role can add and subscribe company. z 5role4.png

  • Now, You are ready to assign Roles to your Users and Clients.

To know how to edit the role of the user Click here.

How to add User Click here.