Multiple Tax Rates with Multiple SGST/CGST/IGST (Duties & Taxes)

Manage sales entries seamlessly with multiple DUTIES & TAXES ledgers and varying Tax Rates such as SGST, CGST, and IGST using this step-by-step guide

If your entry resembles the image below or you need to record similar entries where each sales bill includes multiple DUTIES & TAXES ledgers along with multiple TAX RATES (such as SGST, CGST, or IGST), follow this guide to streamline accurate data management.

1 sample.png

Data requirement for excel sheet

2 sample excel.png

  • 1. Reference number
  • 2. Invoice Date
  • 3. GST number ( Not Mandatory )
  • 4. Party Name
  • 5. Place of Supply (Not Mandatory )
  • 6. Particulars ( Multiple Sales Ledger Account Name )
  • 7. Taxable Amount
  • 8. SGST/CGST/IGST amount (Only required for Manual Calculation)
  • 9. Need to create three additional Row in excel sheet and name it SGST NAME, CGST NAME and IGST NAME respectively.
  • 10. By using filter in GST TAX RATE or in SALES Account name put DUTIES & TAXES name respectively as shown in the above image. (All three fields are compulsory so if IGST is not applicable, kindly create IGST in Tally)

How to upload Excel sheet Click Here


  • Click on file to open Mapping Process*


Step 1: Field Mapping

8 mapping.png

  1. Choose your data type: Decide if your data has items or no items. For this example, we will choose Without Item (see the image above).
  2. Mapped Fields: These are fields that the system has matched automatically from your uploaded data.
  3. Unmapped Fields: These are fields not matched yet. You need to select the right Tally fields for them. (Not all fields need to be matched.)
  4. Your Sheet Header: The headings from your Excel sheet will appear here. This helps you understand the data easily.
  5. Tally Fields: These are fields matched with Tally filed. You can change them if needed.
  6. Your Sheet Data: Shows the top 3 values from your Excel sheet to help you cross-check the data.
  7. Press Next to go to the GST Mapping step.

Step 2: GST Mapping (Map Your Tax Ledger).

  • Here we will mapp the Duties & Taxes and its details 3 ledger from excel sheet.png
  1. GST Ledger from Excel Sheet : Click to YES ( it will open the new menu)
  2. Select SGST Ledger details in front of SGST NAME, Select CGST Ledger details in front of CGST NAME and Select IGST Ledger details in front of IGST NAME respectively
  3. Gst Auto Calculation: If you have Defined GST TAX Rate in Tally. Keep this setting as it is.
  • A. Manual Calculation If You click NO. You can pick the Duties & taxes(SGST/CGST/IGST) Amount from the Excel Sheet
  • B. You will have the option to tick mark the SGST, CGST & IGST tax amount from the excel sheet. 11 gst calculation of.png
**Note**: SGST, CGST, and IGST Tax Ledgers are mandatory fields that must be mapped. You can also map the round-off ledger from below option.

Step 3: Ledger Mapping


  • In this step, you can map additional fields such as, discount, freight amount, etc., by selecting the appropriate file header and ledger.

Click Save & Proceed to move to the process screen.
This action will also save the particular format within SUVIT for future uploads.