Please Sync Ledger for Sales/Purchase Error
When you have recently subscribed a new company and uploaded any document, if you get such error, it means Suvit is not able to find the ledgers of your tally.

- If you see this error on the Sales/Purchase Transaction Page:
- Suvit does not find the ledger of your company, please sync to load your sales purchase data."
- It means your ledger is not synced with Suvit from Tally.
- Must check Both Tally and Suvit Desktop Application are on same port.
Step 1: Select Company
- Ensure the company is open and selected in Tally.
Step 2: Sync Data in Suvit
- Open your Suvit desktop application and click on "Sync Master".
- Once you see the "Ledger sync successfully" popup, return to the Transaction Page.
Step 3: Reload Data