Uploading Journal data through an excel sheet

When you load the Journal data into SUVIT, it creates a new worksheet where you can make different changes and push the data into Tally

Follow the Video and Steps below:

Step 1: Navigate to the Journal Upload Section


  • Click on the Dashboard and select "Explore Now" under Data Entry Automation

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  • Use the menu to go to Bulk UploadJournal Upload.

Step 2: Upload the Excel Sheet

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  • Click on "Upload File" to open the file selection pop-up.
  • Select and attach your Excel sheet.
  • Click on "Upload" to proceed.

Step 3: Complete the Upload & Proceed to Mapping

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  • Once the file is uploaded, click at the end of the file row to proceed to the mapping screen.

You may find this useful:

  • To learn how to map the Journal sheet click here for detailed steps.