Once the bank statement is successfully uploaded in Suvit, select the ledgers: In bulk or individually, with other functionalities as well.
It is very easy to select ledgers for transactions. We have various filters available which will help you select ledgers in bulk and individually.
You can filter out the transactions you wish to post in a single ledger. For eg: In the below image, in narration, the keyword "charges" is used to filter out transactions which are to be posted in a ledger "Coruscate".
Similarly, you can use date wise filter, transaction type-wise filter, Amount range wise filter, etc., to select ledgers in bulk
If you want to select a ledger for transactions on an individual basis one by one, you can do it by simply selecting it from the "Select Ledger" available at the end of every transaction, as shown in the below image:
The entries which are contra in nature must be posted in Contra vouchers. Suvit allows you to change the transaction type into contra. Simply click on "Payment" or "Receipt" beside the transactions. This will open up a drop-down with options of "Contra Withdraw" and "Contra Deposit". Select as per your requirement and save.
If you want to change the type for the transactions in bulk, you can use the option of "Transaction Type", available under bulk operations, as shown in below image.
Once ledger selection is done, you can proceed with sending them into tally. If there are some ledgers yet to be assigned to the transaction because they are not available in Tally, you can create them from Suvit.